Thursday, October 7, 2010

I wonder...

Since most likely no one will ever see this, am I free to say whatever I want? Free to completely speak my mind? But really, who am I asking these questions if I don't expect anyone to see them?

I wonder if God teases us - dangles something out in front of us and then yanks it away at the last minute.

I wonder why people have to die.

I wonder why when you've (and by "you" I mean me) tried to play an important role in someone's life, tried to be supportive of all they do, tried to be present in their life, tried to always express love to them, why when given the chance to express who they think has played an important role in their life you don't seem to be on the list.

I wonder if God really does care about the little details of my life.

I wonder why people in authority find it necessary to be condescending, to talk down to the people that work for them.

I wonder....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elise;
    I hope you don't mind I did read your posts, and I would like to leave a comment!
    You have asked some really good and some really important questions. I don't pretend to know it all, but if I may, I would like to share some of what I do know.
    I don't believe for a second that God would dangle something to tease us. He is love and wants us to know Him and to experience His peace and joy at all times. He is not responsible for anything evil that is present in this world, including death. He does not kill people and is not the author of death. He is life and love and He is totally good at all times. The death we experience in this world was only brought into the world through the sin of mankind. It was not what God intended from the beginning. Our rebellion brought death and suffering of all kinds. It is not to say that all people are bad. Its just a fact that the evil is a result of sin and our sin invited the devil to come and wreak havoc in our lives too.
    God really understands how you feel as you described in the fourth chapter, because He too plays the most important role in our lives, and yet very few ever recognize His presence or acknowledge their blessings come from Him.
    He does care about every detail of your life! I am not saying this because I was taught it in some sermon. I know by experience, that God is very involved in the details of our lives. I have His help with every detail of my life, on a daily basis. And it is incredible and wonderful, but also accessible for you too! He has no favourites!
    People are always going to be people with faults and imperfections. And often what happens, when people gain authority over others, pride comes in to their heart, and they see others as less than themselves. This is not God's ideal nor is it in His character to be condescending.
    If you wish to converse with me on these issues further, feel free to e-mail me. I would be more than happy to share what I have found about God with you. I don't know it all, not by any means, but if I can shed some light on some things that will help you find your way, I would be happy to help.
    God bless you Elise.
